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journalism, student journalists

Lies Your English Teacher Told You « Easy Tips for Business Writers

Lies Your English Teacher Told You « Easy Tips for Business Writers.


I teach my writing students that meaning is the reason for grammar rules. If a writer can get her point across correctly by using a comma properly, then her reader wastes that much less time. a writer may even lose a reader with a misplaced comma or misspelled word. That said, I don’t correct every single grammatical error in my students’ writing. Even journalists and English teachers make mistakes. I’d rather keep them writing than demoralize students with excessive rules. I’ve even been known to grit my teeth and stay silent about using an apostrophe with a plural. Editing- that’s the time to pull out the stylebook.

About CoachLynn

I am a personal life coach and educator I work with couples and individuals who are struggling with communication issues ,or seeking to grow closer in there relationships. I teach them how to communicate there needs and wants in a way that eliminates the guessing game. I educate them about there personal style of love, and the 6 basic needs that all humans have. I show them how to create a relationship contract that will help there partner know exactly where they stand on all areas of there life. By creating a relationship contract, knowing your love style, and how to meet the 6 basic needs of you and your partner, your relationship will grow in ways you never thought possible. You will get your needs met without having to fight or argue. You will develop trust and no longer have to guess how the other person is feeling. Your love life will have more fire and passion! You will feel closer, and more united when problems arise.


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